

    Child Support Registry

    The District Clerk’s Office processes all withholding orders in Hays County.

    Beginning November 1, 2003, all new orders were directed to be paid through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU). Since that time many of the orders entered after January 1, 1994, have been re-directed through the SDU. You should have received a Notice of Place of Payment from the Attorney General’s Office if your child support payments were re-directed. All orders entered prior to January, 1994 are still processed through the District Clerk’s Office.

    Copies of the orders and payment records are available in the District Clerk’s Office for a fee of $1.00 for the first 10 pages and $0.10 for each page thereafter. Contact the District Clerk at 512-393-7660 or e-mail request to

    The Attorney General’s Office handles enforcement for the collection of past due support.

    The SDU is responsible for processing all payments and the timely disbursement of those payments to the custodial parent.

    Account Information


    Up-to-date payment and case status information is available by calling the Child Support Interactive Voice Response System toll free number at 1-800-252-8014.

    To view your payment record online go to the Attorney General’s Interactive Web Page at

    How to make your child support payments?

    Payment Address

    If your payments have been ordered to be paid through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) you should mail a check or money order to the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit (TxCSDU). Please ensure the following information is included on your check or money order:

    • Your 10-digit case number (if one has been assigned by the Attorney General)
    • Your cause number (the identification number on the court case which established the child support order)
    • The county where the case is filed
    • Non-custodial parent’s name (optional but preferred)
    • Custodial parent’s name (optional)

    Mail payments to the following address:

    Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit (TxCSDU)

    P. O. Box 659791

    San Antonio, Texas 78265-9791

    If you have any questions please contact the SDU at 1-800-252-8014.

    If you want your child support payments deposited directly into your checking account, you may complete the application form below and submit it to the Texas SDU. Instructions and address information or on the form.

    Direct Deposit form: PDF FILE

    Medical Insurance Withholding Notice forms: PDF FILE

    Enforcement Assistance

    For assistance enforcing an existing order you must complete an application form and submit it to the Attorney General’s Office (OAG).
    The online OAG application site is:

    Miscellaneous Information

    “Handbook for Non Custodial Parents.” This is informational and done in coordination with the Center for Fathers, Families and Public Policy:

    “Children’s Bill of Rights” PDF file

    Website for the Lawyers Referral Service for Central Texas:

    Website for the Women’s Advocacy Service for family violence as well as legal information services:

    Children’s/Medicaid (CHIP) website:

    Social Security website for filing for a Social Security Number for the children:

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