

    Hays County Commissioner Precinct 4


    Commissioner Smith is available to meet with residents by appointment in Dripping Springs and Kyle, and on the first Tuesday of each month from 1-5 p.m. at the County Courthouse on the Square in San Marcos. Call 512.858.7268 to schedule an appointment at your location of choice.

    Walt Smith (R)

    Commissioner, Precinct 4

    195 Roger Hanks Parkway Dripping Springs,

    TX 78620




    4 Years – Expires in 2022

    Precinct 4 Address Form

    Precinct 4 Map

    Full county map of precincts

    Office Hours

    Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    (Unless otherwise posted)


    Historic Hays County Courthouse

    Physical address: 111 E. San Antonio St. San Marcos, Texas 78666

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    The mission of our office is to be accessible to serve the public with honesty and integrity, to help provide essential services through an efficient and effective use of the County’s resources and to be accountable to the citizens of our county.


    • Sets the yearly property tax rate and approves the budget and employment level for the county;
    • Sets commissioners and justice of the peace precinct boundaries;
    • Calls, conducts and certifies elections, including bond elections;
    • Sets employment and benefit policy;
    • Establishes long-range thoroughfare, open space, land use, financial and law enforcement/jail needs plans;
    • Acquires property for rights-of-way or other uses determined to be in the public’s best interest;
    • Reviews and approve subdivision platting and wastewater treatment for rural areas;
    • Provides rural ambulance services and subsidizes rural fire protection;
    • Oversees the construction, maintenance and improvement of county roads and bridges;
    • Appoints non-elected department heads and standing committees;
    • Supervises and controls the county courthouse, county buildings and facilities;
    • Adopts a county budget;
    • Determines county tax rates;
    • Fills vacancies in elective and appointive positions; and
    • Has exclusive authority to authorize contracts in the name of the county.
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