

    Hays County Pet Resource Center


    The Hays County Pet Resource Center is a virtual center that connects pet owners with local services and resources to keep families together and out of the animal shelter system. Through programs, pet owners can receive case management support for help with their pets. The Hays County Pet Resource, Education and Research Center is a partnership between Hays County and Austin Pets Alive!.

    *The Pet Resource Center does not operate a physical animal shelter facility.

    Contact Us

    The Hays County Pet Resource Center is managed by Austin Pets Alive!. Please use this email to reach the program staff. Catch up on the latest by following our social media (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn).

    • Do you need help with your pet?
      Please submit a Pet Help Request form below. A case manager will respond within 24 hours.
    • Does your pet need medical or behavior assistance?
    • Please refer to the Pet Resources Guide below for a list of free/low cost veterinary clinics, and behavior resources.
    • Did you find a pet?
    • Please post on Lost and Found Pets of Hays County, TX and other local Facebook groups, your Next Door and Neighbors by Ring apps, PetCo Love Lost, and PawBoost.
    • If possible, take the found pet to a local vet clinic, pet store or shelter/rescue to get it scanned for a microchip in an attempt to find the owners.
    • Do you need to rehome a pet or need help finding a temporary foster?
    • Please join our Hays County Urgent Pet Help and P.A.S.S. Community groups. DO NOT post until you have read our page rules and know what we require for your post.
    If this is an emergency or safety concern, please contact your jurisdiction’s animal control or 911 for immediate assistance.

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