

    County Clerk Courts Division

    Website Under Construction

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact our office at 512-393-7738 for assistance in locating information. For Probate and Guardianship forms, please email a request to


    The COURTS DIVISION is where Criminal Misdemeanor, Civil, Guardianship, Probate, Mental Health and Juvenile cases are filed and the case records are kept. Our division is the clerks for Hays County Court at Law #1, #2, #3, Mental Health Court, Veteran's Court and Juvenile Court. For information about documents, forms and payments, please email For court and jail records, visit

    If you need assistance with Family Law or Felonies, contact the District Clerk's Office.

    DeeDee Rodgers

    Chief Deputy - Courts Division

    712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008

    San Marcos, Texas 78666

    • Civil

      Civil Courts- The County Clerk is responsible for the intake, processing, and maintenance of civil cases in the County Courts at Law.  Jurisdiction in controversy exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $250,000.00.

      Occupational Driver’s License Information:

      ODL Petition

      ODL Order


      Civil Case Fees

      Citation Request Form

    • Court Cases and Records Search

      For information about documents, forms and payments, please email For court and jail records, visit

      Search court cases and records here.

      Access RE:Search Texas here.

    • Criminal Misdemeanor

      Civil Courts- The County Clerk is responsible for the intake, processing, and maintenance of civil cases in the County Courts at Law.  Jurisdiction in controversy exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $250,000.00. 

      To find information about your case visit,

       - select Criminal Case Records, and enter the required fields to find your details about the case.

       For information about a hearing, contact the County Court at Law at 512-393-7625

       If the case is a felony, contact the District Clerk at 512-393-7600 or email

       If the case is declined or you are seeking an emergency protective order, contact the District Attorney’s office at 512-393-7660

       If you are looking to recover a cash bond from a case that has been declined or is disposed: Complete the Cash Bond Motion and Order form and return it to our office with a copy of your cash bond receipt and a copy of your ID.

    • e-File Instructions

      Find out how to E-File here.

    • Jury

      Sign into the jury portal here:

      If you have any questions, contact 512-393-7330.

      If you have a special need or disability, you must notify the Court immediately concerning requests for reasonable accommodations. Please call the County Court at Law Bailiff at 512-393-7625


      Right of Re-Employment: A private employer may not terminate the employment of a permanent employee because the employee serves as a juror. An employee whose employment is terminated in violation of this section is entitled to return to the same employment that the employee held when summoned for jury service if the employee, as soon as practical after release from jury service, gives the employer actual notice that the employee intends to return (Civil Practice and Remedies Code 122.001).

      Failure to answer summons and penalties: A person who fails to comply with the summons is subject to a contempt action punishable by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 (Government Code 62.1014). Additionally, a person shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100 if the person: (1) fails to attend court in obedience to the notice without reasonable excuse; or (2) files a false claim of exemption from jury service (Government Code 62.111).

      Proper clothing required: All persons entering the courtroom should be dressed in clothing reasonably befitting the dignity and solemnity of the court proceedings. Hats are not permitted in the courtroom.

      Exempt or Disqualified: You do not need to appear in person if you are exempt or not qualified for jury service. To claim or report your disqualification you must complete the “Exemption From Jury Service” portion of the summons, sign it and personally bring it in or mail it immediately to the Hays County Clerk’s office at 712 S Stagecoach Trail Ste 2008, San Marcos, Texas 78666-5542.

      Your Jury Service is very important and greatly appreciated.

    • Probate & Guardianship
    • Monthly Appointment and Fees

      Content coming soon.

    • Fees and Payments

      Payment Options for documents and Fines and Fees

      Payments may be made by CASH, MONEY ORDER, Cashier’s Check or Paid Online using

      Payments can be made in person at the Hays County Clerk's Office.

      If mailing payment, address to: Hays County Clerk's Office at 712 S. Stagecoach Trail, Suite 2008, San Marcos Texas 78666. Include Cause No. in the memo line.

      If you wish to pay online please go to the following web address:

      Bureau Code: 6230101

      Select Criminal Payment

      *Include the Case number or the payment will be refunded

      Using certified payments will have an additional 3% fee will be added to the payments

      Refund Policy – Payments under $25 will not be refunded, the payor will need to request (summarized)

      2022 County Clerk Civil Fee Schedule 

      Hays County Clerk Probate Fee Schedule

      2025 Sheriff & Constable Fees

    • Resources

      Lawyer Referral Services

      Legal Aid Offices

      Want to find legal information or forms?

      Court Self-Help Centers

      This website will help you. Remember, though, that the information on this website is not legal advice, and does not take the place of talking to a lawyer.

      Texas Law Help (with Live Chat)

      State Law Library

      Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA)


      RE:Search Texas

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