

    Sheriff – Jail Division – Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I contact a bail bondsman?

    Most bail bond company’s are available 24 hours a day. Hays County is a Bail Bond Board County which means bonding companies must be licensed in order to post bonds. An approved list of bonding companies is available at the Sheriff’s Office and is rotated weekly. Sheriff’s Office employees may not contact a Bail Bondsman for you, nor can they recommend one; you must make the arrangements yourself.

    Helpful phone numbers:

    Hays County Jail/Bond Information: 512.393.7807 or 512.393.7690

    Hays County Jail Records: 512.393.7832

    You may also reference the Bail Bond Info section of this web site for more information.

    Fine Payment

    Hays County now allows the convenience of paying with a credit card for individuals who are currently in custody and for class “C” fines only. No other forms of payments will be accepted.

    Click the button below to find the appropriate Justice of the Peace to make the payment.

    Make a Payment

    Defense Attorneys that wish to make inquiries regarding reasonable virtual access to their client(s) should refer to the email below; any request for information made by phone to the Hays County Jail will be redirected to email

    Attorney Phone Calls

    Hays County provides a free call option to attorneys for the benefit of their incarcerated clients. Only one business telephone number is authorized for the call list. Calls are limited to twenty minutes each, are free of charge and are not recorded. Requests to be placed on the free call list should be made to Lieutenant Erica Hernandez by email at

    Please attach a written request on letterhead, along with a copy/scan of your valid driver’s license and BAR card to the email.

    Hays County Jail – Bonding Department:

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