

    Sheriff – Jail Division – Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the current Hays County Jail Off-site (Video) visitation hours and rules?

    Off-site (video) visitation can be scheduled Sunday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Off-Site visits may be scheduled in advance by the visitor from the Securus Video Visitation Website at

    The Hays County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to deny, cancel or terminate a video visit prior to or during a video session based upon visitor or inmate misconduct. The Hays County Sheriff’s Office also reserves the right to restrict a visitor from participating in all future use of the system, either on site or from remote visitation.

    Visitation is a privilege and may be denied to any person if the inmate or visitor fails to comply with the visitation rules. Your attorney will be allowed to visit you, upon presentation of proper identification, at any time.


    1. The registering visitor must be at least 17 years of age and present a valid, government issued photo identification during the initial registration process. Approvals are generally made within 24 to 48 hours. The duration of each visit is 25 minutes. Inmates are restricted to two off-site video visits per day. Onsite visits are restricted to 2 visits per week.
    2. All visits are recorded and subject to electronic monitoring by the Hays County Jail Staff.
    3. The visitor and inmate are responsible for being present at the start of the scheduled visit. Visitors signing in late will only receive the balance of the remaining time for the scheduled visit.
    4. No NUDITY, provocative clothing, or tight fitting clothing will be allowed during the visit. Violators will be barred from off-site and on-site visitation.
    5. Visitors appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs; displaying items that may be considered contraband such as drugs; drug paraphernalia; weapons; displaying gang signs; symbols; colors; etc., are subject to having the visit canceled and barred from future visits.
    6. Pictures or video recording of the inmate during a video visit is prohibited.
    7. Unauthorized sharing of usernames and passwords to log into video visits violates the terms of service and is prohibited. (This includes sharing a visit with any other person that is not approved and or registered on the Securus video visitation account.)
    8. Visitors under the age of 17 must have a parent or guardian present during the off-site visit.
    9. Any type of provocative or disruptive behavior will not be permitted.
    10. Do not damage or deface the visitation equipment. Doing so may result in prosecution.
    11. If you experience a problem with the audio or video reception during your visit, please refer your family to the Securus Video Visitation web site for assistance or call 800-844-6591.

    Fine Payment

    Hays County now allows the convenience of paying with a credit card for individuals who are currently in custody and for class “C” fines only. No other forms of payments will be accepted.

    Click the button below to find the appropriate Justice of the Peace to make the payment.

    Make a Payment

    Defense Attorneys that wish to make inquiries regarding reasonable virtual access to their client(s) should refer to the email below; any request for information made by phone to the Hays County Jail will be redirected to email

    Attorney Phone Calls

    Hays County provides a free call option to attorneys for the benefit of their incarcerated clients. Only one business telephone number is authorized for the call list. Calls are limited to twenty minutes each, are free of charge and are not recorded. Requests to be placed on the free call list should be made to Lieutenant Erica Hernandez by email at

    Please attach a written request on letterhead, along with a copy/scan of your valid driver’s license and BAR card to the email.

    Hays County Jail – Bonding Department:

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