

    Law Library - Hours And Closures

    Hays County Law Library Hours

    Thank you for planning your visit to the Hays County Law Library. Below you will find a list of hours and closures.

    Please note that there is only one part-time Law Librarian who works with volunteers. Due to staff availability, the hours may change without notice or differ from those posted.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Any planned closures are listed below.


    The Law Library will be closed February 17, 2025, for the Presidents' Day holiday.

    See the Hours and Closures page for information on attorney key checkout, forms for the public and copies.

    Attorneys may check out a key to the Law Library by visiting the front desk of the Criminal District Attorney's office.

    Select forms will be printed and available for the public to pick up while we are closed.

    The copier is in the hallway and will be accessible for public use.

    Law Library Hours

    • Special Hours

    • County Holidays

      The Law Library and all Hays County offices will be closed for the following holidays.

      • February 17, 2025
    • Law Library - Closed

      In addition to the Hays County holidays, the Law Library will be closed on the dates listed below due to staff availability.

    • Attorney Key Checkout

      Attorneys may check out the key to the Law Library at the front desk of the Criminal District Attorney's office when the Law Library is closed and the Hays County Government Center is open. When the Law Library is closed, attorneys must exchange a driver's license or Hays County bar badge for a key. The Law Library is inaccessible when the Government Center is closed.

      Hays County Law Library Key Checkout Policy: When the Law Library is closed, attorneys may check out a key to the Law Library at the front desk of the Criminal District Attorney's office. By checking out the key, attorneys agree to abide by the policy detailed below.

      • The attorneys must leave their driver's license in exchange for the key to the Law Library.
      • Attorneys must return the key to the Criminal District Attorney's office upon exiting the Law Library. The attorney must return the key by 4:30 p.m. and cannot keep the key overnight. Failure to return the key will revoke Law Library key checkout privileges.
      • The attorney should not grant access or open the door for anyone not included in the checkout form. Anyone needing access to the Law Library should check out the key at the front desk of the Criminal District Attorney's office.
      • Attorneys will not remove books from the Law Library, and doing so will result in the revocation of Law Library key checkout privileges.
      • The attorney will notify the front desk of the Criminal District Attorney's office if anyone remains in the Law Library upon exiting.
      • Upon exiting the Law Library, the attorney will check that the door is closed and locked to prevent unauthorized access.
      • The attorney ensures that anyone entering the Law Library will observe all policies. The attorney msut indicate the number of people joining the Law Library; this includes clients, assistants, staff, co-counsel, opposing counsel, etc.
      • The attorney will follow all Law Libraries policies on the Key Checkout Form and in the Law Library.
      • The attorney must fill out all the required information below. The Law Librarian will check the forms for completeness and notify you if the information is missing on this form.

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